Queen's fall at the first hurdle, Queen's Park 0 - 3 Hamilton Accies

Last updated : 31 July 2005 By Andyboy
Queen's began their season with a 3-0 defeat to First Division Hamilton in the Bells Cup 1st Round at Hampden.

Queen's started with a 4-4-1-1 formation. Clark, Molloy, Reilly & Sinclair made up the defence with Quinn, Weir, Ferry & Kettlewell in midfield. Bowers played as a lone striker with Paul Harvey in support.

This game was much closer than the scoreline suggests, with two goals in the last ten minutes securing the game for The Accies.

Queen's started the brighter against a lacklustre Hamilton back-line. Stuart Kettlewell testing Jellema from 25 yards inside the first minute. Mark Ferry also tested the Hamilton 'keeper with a 20 yard curler.

Both Bowers & Ferry came close on the 20th minute. Young Bowers firing wide from 18 yards and Ferry heading over.

Hamilton created the most clear-cut chance of the half on twenty-five minutes. Andy Sim played through Pat Keogh after a mistake by Tony Quinn, but Quinno recovered the ball with a fantastic sliding challenge sixteen yards from goal.

The Accies Mark Gilhaney was replaced by Marvyn Wilson on the half-hour. Who was lucky not to be booked before the half ended. He commited three poor challenges on Shaun Molloy in the space on two minutes but Ref Andrew Hunter somehow managed to keep his cards in his pocket.

The last action of the half seen Rookie Midfielder John Weir come close with a header.

After the break Hamilton very nearly took the lead. Carrigan rattling the post with a free-kick from twenty-five yards.

On the hour, after sustained Accies pressure, they took the lead. A cross from Carrigan found Thomson fifteen yards out who powerfully headed into DC's bottom corner.

Bryan Felvus came on for Weir and he almost made an instant impact. His flick-on was directed at goal by Bowers but his header was held by Jamella.

With ten minutes left, Hamilton scored their second. A corner to the near post was headed home by Brown Ferguson.

And, with five minutes remaining it was 3-0, Ross Clark was beaten on the right hand side by Lee Hardy, who fired the ball past Crawford from 18 yards.

So, a decent performance against a better side by Queen's but disappointing to lose another three stupid goals after slack defending.

Next week the Queen's entertain Stenny at Hampden.

QUEEN'S PARK: Crawford 6, Clark 6, Molloy 7, Reilly 6, Sinclair 8, Harvey 8, Kettlewell 7 (Weatherston 3), Quinn 7, Bowers 6 (Whelan 2), Weir (Felvus 3), Ferry 7

BOOKING: Ross Clark

REFEREE: Andrew Hunter

MAN OF THE MATCH: Paul Harvey, Showed all the tricks in the book and ran the midfield in the first half. Sadly petered out of the game as it approached it's end.